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师梦圆初中英语教材同步沪教版九年级上册More practice ﹠Culture corner:We love the Film Park! ﹠ International film festivals下载详情
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《Module 3 Leisure time Unit 5 Action! More practice &Culture corner We love the Film Park! & International film festivals》最新教研教案教学设计(沪教版九年级上册)

The students not only have a strong interest in films after learning ‘Unit 5 Action!’ but also are active in English class. Activities always attract their attention.However, when having the speaking lesson, they are not confident to imitate the information and emotion of the model.

Analysis of the teaching materials:

The listening material is chosen from some short news about Oscar. The purpose is to help the students know more about Oscar during training their listening skills.

Teaching Focus:

Help students develop listening skills and get some information about Oscar and fill in the blanks.

Lead the students to raise questions according to the Chinese tips.

Encourage students to imitate the pronunciation, intonation and emotion of the characters.

Difficult Points:

A: To raise questions based on the Chinese tips efficiently.

B: To be able to dub the film fluently, confidently and pronounce correctly.

Teaching theory: Task-based Language Teaching Approach, Situational Teaching Approach

Teaching Aids: A computer, PPT, blackboard, chalks,microphones

Teaching objectives:

By the end of the lesson, most of my students will be able to:

Language knowledge:

use different ways to raise questions.

learn some new words and pronounce them correctly during dubbing movies.

Language skills:

improve the listening skills and the skills of raising questions..

speak out loudly and actively in English while in role play.


arouse their interest in English learning.

build up their confidence of expressing themselves in English.

Learning strategies: predict the contents according to the listening material.

Cultural consciousness: enrich the knowledge about Oscar and improve their national pride.
