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九年级上册英语《Module 3 Leisure time Unit 5 Action! More practice &Culture corner We love the Film Park! & International film festivals》获奖说课教案教学设计

3. Students master some idioms .

Teaching key points:

Train the ability of getting information according to reading more.

Learn to use diagram to give information

Teaching difficulty points:

1.Learn some idioms:

jump out of my skin

to cut a long story short

a piece of cake.

2.Retell the story with the mind map.

3.How to guide students to read more

Teaching methods: Task-based teaching, Self-study, Discuss in groups.

Teaching procedures:

Step1.Lead in .

Watch a short video that made by Dream Works Studio. Ask students to guess the name of the film and the name of the song.Then talk about their favourite films made by Dream Works.

Ask students to discuss where people shoot a film according to three pictures.

Ask some questions and show the topic: We love the film park!

Step 2 Extensive reading.

Listen and circle the new words in the article.

Read and explain the words.

Answer a question and complete the diagram after listening.

Step 3 Intensive reading

Read paragraphs 1 to 5 and find some detailed information.Then finish Activity 1.

Ask students to find the first idiom.

Read paragraphs 6 to 11 and answer some questions.Then find other idioms.
