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《UNIT 9 Optimism and Pessimism Revise and Check 》最新教研教案教学设计(教科EEC五四学制版九年级下册)

计 知识与能力 Discuss, explain ,understand and deal with the difficult points and the common mistakes.

过程与方法 Develop their reading 、writing and working skills. 情感态度价值观 Increase their confidence and develop their abilities in the future exams. 教学重点 1.Find and correct the mistakes in the test papers.

2.Grasp the key points in the test.

3.Learn the skills and methods of solving problems. 教学难点 1.The students will be able to grasp the key points that they don’t understand .

2.They will able to write a better composition. 教学方法 Task-based teaching method 辅助手段 PowerPoint teaching

Students’ Page 板

计 Review and Check

1.Key Points:


Key sentences:

教学设想 In the lesson,we will learn and review the English Test Paper.In order that most of them can learn well,we will explain the questions carefully.I will help them find and correct the mistakes that they made in the papers.Make sure they will be able to understand and grasp them. 教学步骤 教学内容与双边活动 设计步骤的意图

Step1 Lead-in

1.To arouse students’ interest for further studying.

2.To help students build confidence.

All the students stand up,sing and dance to relax themselves.

After enjoying the English song,“Trouble is a

Friend. It is in our life. It is also in our test,however, who can tell us how to deal with trouble?”(Face it. Solve it.Overcome it. Don’t be afraid of it.)Now, let’s find and solve the trouble,OK?Aloud,please.OK? Step2 Showing the teaching and learning aims.

Make the lesson more effective.

To help the students know about teaching and learning aims in this lesson so that they will grasp the key points well. Step3 Analyze the causes of success and failure in the paper.

Get more knowledge and skills to solve the mistakes in the test.

With the teacher’s help, they will know about themselves better.