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八年级下册《Project: Enter a competition to publish an English newspaper》优质课教案教学设计


= 1 \* ROMAN I . Lead-in

What is a run-on sentence?

“A run-on sentence is a sentence in which two or more independent clauses ( i.e. complete sentences) are joined without appropriate punctuation or conjunction.” (From Wikipedia )

2. Two types of run-on sentence.

a. Fused sentence b. Comma Splice

3. A game: Fused Sentence or Comma Splice

Hosted by Willie.

= 3 \* ROMAN II . Group Learning and Exploration

1. Group Task 1

The following examples show you how to correct a run-on sentence. Discuss in the group and conclude the four ways in the graph.

The group who can conclude all four ways get four points.

( See students’ material)


a. Make two separate sentences by using a period.

b. Use a semicolon (;).

c. Use ( a comma and) a coordinating conjunction. (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so)

d. Use a subordinating conjunction (although ,because, when, before, while, since, after, etc.)

= 4 \* ROMAN III . Practice

1. Correct Willie’s Error

Students read a paragraph of Willie, find one run-on sentence and correct it.

2. Group Task 2:

Find the run-on sentences and fix them n the following paragraphs written by your fellow students .

The group who fix the most run-ons will get 3 points.

Show the students answer on the object projector.