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新世纪版英语六年级上册《Unit One Personal Information Lesson 2 Getting to Know Each Other》优秀教案下载

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新世纪版英语六年级上册《Unit One Personal Information Lesson 2 Getting to Know Each Other》优秀教案教学设计

2. to ask for basic personal information.

Teaching procedure:

I. Warming-up

A children’ song: How do you do.

II. Pre-task:

Say something about your friend or your favourite person

III. While-task

Step 1:

Teach : family name/last name, first name/given name

T: I have a good friend. His name is Li Hui. Li is his family name, and Hui is his given name (show slide)

Practice: I have a good friend. His name is Li Hui.

Li is his _____name, and Hui is his _____name

T: I also have a good friend. His name is Peter Brown. Tell me what is his family name, and what is his given name (show slide)

S: ………

Practice: I have a good friend. His name is Peter Brown .

Peter is his_____name, and Brown is his ______ name (show slide)

T: Given name can also be called first name and family name can also be called last name(show slide)

Practice: (using first name, last name)

Step 2:

Teach: nationality, Australian

T: Li Hui is from china. He is Chinese. Peter is from Britain. What nationality is he? He is British (show slide)

Practice: (Present “Australian” while practising)

Where is Peter from? He’s from _______.

What nationality is he? He’s _________.

Step 3: