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《Unit One Housing Estates and Surroundings Lesson Progress Check 1》精品课教案(新世纪版七年级上册)

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《Unit One Housing Estates and Surroundings Lesson Progress Check 1》最新教研教案教学设计(新世纪版七年级上册)

To learn alternative questions

II. Ability Objectives:

To improve students’ learning skills

To improve students’ skill of spoken English

III. Emotional Objectives:

To make students enjoy the national holidays

To encourage students to express themselves

Teaching Focus and Difficult Points:

How to use alternative questions and how to answer them

How to make, accept and decline an invitation

Teaching aids:

Textbook, multi-media facilities, appendix

Teaching procedures:

Procedure Interaction between the teacher and students Purpose 目的 Lead-in: Play a game To arouse Ss’ interest and lead in 引起学生学习兴趣,并引出课题 Pre-tasks: 1. Pair work 1 To learn the difference between general question and special questions in alternative questions 学习提问并区分一般疑问句和特殊疑问句的选择疑问句的句式结构 2. Read and answer some questions about the given picture To learn get some useful information from the given picture and lead in the text 朗读并回答与所给图片相关的问题,引入课文 3. Listen and tick To grab the main idea of the text 让学生大致了解课文内容 4. T / F To get more details from the text 让学生进一步掌握课文具体内容 5. Read the text and underline some phrases To learn some useful phrases 让学生进一步掌握课文中重点短语 Post-tasks: 1. Pair work 2 To learn how to make, accept and decline an invitation 让学生学会如何提出,接受和拒绝邀请 2. Group work:

Brain Storm To review some activities about National Day 四人小组讨论国庆节的各项活动 Assignment: Read the text

Write a short passage about the topic "Activities During National Day", you can use the cues on your paper (at least 40 words)