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八年级上册新世纪版《Unit Three Knowledge of Common Interest Lesson 1 Idioms with Body Parts》优秀教案设计

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八年级上册新世纪版《Unit Three Knowledge of Common Interest Lesson 1 Idioms with Body Parts》优秀教学教案教学设计

know some common English idioms with body parts

master the sentence pattern “What do you mean…?” It means…

retell the text easily in class

Key & difficult points:

What do different kinds of English idioms mean in our daily life

Teaching Aids: Textbooks, multi-media device, a blackboard

Teaching procedures:

Stages Learning activities Purposes Pre-task preparation Play a game of “Eva says” To help Ss get familiar with the body parts

While-task procedure Ask Ss to listen to the text and do some T/F statements To develop Ss’ listening skills Ask Ss to listen to the text again and fill in the blanks To further develop Ss’ listening skills Make a dialogue according to the model To master the sentence pattern Ask Ss to read the text To get more familiar with the text Group Work: Draw the mind map To enable Ss to get close to our text Retell the text according to the mind map To enable Ss to understand our text thoroughly Post-task activities Guessing game: Guess more English idioms and make a dialogue according to our text To help Ss learn more English idioms Assignment Oral work: Read and recite the text

Written work: Finish the exercises Ⅴon WB P44

Optional work: Find out more idioms with body parts on the Internet To help Ss consolidate what they have learned