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新世纪版英语八年级下册《Unit Four People and the Environment Lesson 1 Population Problems》优秀教案下载

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新世纪版英语八年级下册《Unit Four People and the Environment Lesson 1 Population Problems》优秀教案教学设计

To know some new words and expressions

To know the problems caused by fast population growth

ⅡAbility focus

1 Students talk about the future problems, and find out some solutions to the problems caused by population growth

2 To Improve the Ss’ listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities

3 To let the students communicate effectively in English

Ⅲ Emotions and Values

To know the problems caused by fast population growth, and try our best to protect the environment

Teaching strategies:

Student-centered approach

Task-based approach

Cooperative approach

Teaching designs:

I Pre-learning

To show some pictures and let the students know what we will talk about this lesson

II While-learning

1 To listen to the tape recording of the text and get the main idea of each paragraph

2 To listen to the first paragraph and fill in the blanks

3 To read the second and the third paragraph, answer the questions, and match the words and expressions

4 To read the fourth paragraph and answer two questions.

III Post-learning

To discuss two questions:

What future problems will we be faced with if the population continues to grow at the surprising speed?

What can we do to solve the problems caused by fast population growth?

2 To write about the problems caused by fast population and solutions. (Time Permission)