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九年级上册英语《Unit Three Science and Technology Lesson 2 A Geography Lesson》获奖说课教案教学设计

Knowledge Objectives:

1. describe natural disasters

2. express what we can do for the victims of the natural disasters.

3. describe things using the passive voice in the simple past tense.

Skill and ability Objectives:

be able to express the ideas with their own words;

Emotion Objectives:

Have the sense of protecting themselves from a natural disaster.

Help others when they are in trouble.

Language focus and difficult points

Students can express the ideas with their own words;

Teaching aids:

Multi-media player, blackboard

Teaching procedures:

Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Purpose Warming up Show pictures. Finish a brain storming chart. To arouse the students’ interest. Pre-task preparation Show some pictures and sentences. Complete the sentences with the passive voice in the simple past tense. To help students review the text and the grammar. While-task procedures

1. Help students to finish a mind map about the damage of an earthquake.

2. Show some materials about about the natural disaster.

3. Ask questions:

What did the victims need?

How did they feel? 1. Finish a mind map with deskmate and say something about the damage.

2.Work in groups of three and describe the natural disasters.(Suppose the students are reporters who are sent to report different natural disasters)

3. Answer the questions.

To help students describe natural disasters.

Post-task activities Ask students to discuss what we can do for the victims of a natural disaster. Work in groups of three and have a discussion, then present their ideas to the whole class. To help students express the ideas with their own words. Summary Summarize the activities. To help students consolidate what they have learned. Assignment Write a short passage about a natural disaster in at least 60 words. 教学反思 自己感觉较成功的让每个层次的学生有开口表达的机会很好,各个层面的学生不仅展示了自己,而且树立了信心。思维导图极大的拓展了学生的思维, 为下一阶段的写作打下了基础。
