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新世纪版九年级上册《Unit Four Student Life Unit Lesson Page Text Topics Reading Language Lesson 2 Spending Hab

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新世纪版九年级上册《Unit Four Student Life Unit Lesson Page Text Topics Reading Language Lesson 2 Spending Habits》名师精品教案教学设计

2. Ability: To get to know how to use pocket money .

3. Emotional: To know how to get into good spending habits.

Link-up with ‘Ladder Education’:(攀登结合点)

1. Level A students can know the meaning of the text.

2. Level B students can get to know how to use pocket money .

Key points and difficulties:

1. Words and expressions:

1).savings n.存款 save v. safe a.—safely adv.—safety n.

2).allowance n. 津贴 allow v.

3).independence n. 独立;自主independent a. depend v.

4).unnecessary a. 不必要的necessary a. need v.

2. Sentence patterns:.

I used to spend_________________,

but now I______________________.

Teaching methods:

1. Asking and answering

2. Reading and role-play

3. Working in pairs .

Teaching procedures:

Sing a song before class .

Step 1 Free talk.

Review the words.

Tuning In.

Step 2 Text

1. Listen to the tape , then answer the questions.