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九年级下册《Unit Two Changes in Life Lesson Progress Check 2》优质课教案教学设计

gain some tips for words guessing questions ,detail questions,inference questions and best title/main idea questions.

Key and difficult points:

Using reading skills to improve students’ reading abilities.

Teaching aids:

Multi-media and students’ worksheet

Teaching procedure:

Procedure Learning activities Purposes Pre-reading Talk about the importance of reading and some problems in doing reading A. To break the ice and lead in the topic.

While-reading Learn some tips for guessing words in the context,and do some exercises.

To help the students deal with the new words and phrases in the reading. Learn some tips for the detail question ,and do some exercises. To help the students handle the details in the reading,and get into a good reading habit. Learn some tips for the inference question ,and do some exercises.

To improve students’ abilities to infer. Learn some tips for the title/main idea question,and do some exercises. To help the students gain the skill of finding the main idea. Post-reading Finish a reading comprehension A(“J” on the worksheet)and share idea.

Make a summary. To consolidate what they have learned.

Assignment 1.Review tips for reading comprehension A.

2.Think of some tips for reading comprehension D

3.Reading Comprehension A on 2017普陀一模卷.