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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点三年级下册Story time下载详情
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T: Let's play a game, OK? If you see the word, please read it loudly, if you see this , please say “BONG”,OK?

2.Watch and find.

T: Now , Look, what’s this?


T: It’s a clock. Follow me, please. The clock can tell us time.

But how to ask the time? Let’s watch a cartoon and find it.(播放视频)

T: How to ask the time?

S: What time is it?

T: Yes! What time is it? (板书课题并带读)

Step 2.Presentation

1. Play a game: A cartoon clock.

(1)T: Look! It’s a cartoon clock. Let’s ask the time, OK?

S: Clock, clock, what time is it?

T: Oh! It's eight o'clock. (Teach o'clock)

T: Good! It's eight o'clock. It's time for class.

Teach: It’s time for…

T: (与学生合作一问一答)Now, pair work. Ask and answer with your partner.

(2)以上同样的方式教学、操练What time is it? It's twelve o'clock. It's time for lunch.'。

Teach: twelve, lunch

(3)T: Now, ask the clock again.

S: Clock, clock, what time is it?

T: (Click the bottom) It's nine o'clock. It's time for bed.

2. Let's chant.

T: Let’s chant, OK?

S: OK! Time, time, what time ?

Eight, eight, eight o'clock.

Class, class, time for class.

Time, time, what time ?

Twelve, twelve, twelve o'clock.

Lunch, lunch, time for lunch.