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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点三年级下册Story time下载详情
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3.重点句型“What time is it?”“ It’s…o’clock. It’s time for…”


Step1: Warming-up

1. Greetings.

2. Listen to the song: “What’s the time?”(导入课题,一边听一边和学生做动作学唱这首歌,活跃课堂气氛,让学生在歌曲中初步感知本课的重难点。)

Step2: Presentation and practice

1 It’s time for song.

“What’s the time?” means “What time is it?”(新授句型)Today we are going to learn “Unit6 what time is it? ”(点明标题)

2 It’s time for story.

Look at the pictures carefully and put them in correct order.(学生四人一组,按照顺序排列图片)

Watch the cartoon and check the answer(看课文动画,核对答案)

Liu Tao is sleeping, he is having a good dream. This is father time, let’s go with him!(随时间老人进入刘涛的梦乡,欣赏世界名钟,让学生了解时差的概念,开拓视野。)

These are famous clocks, let’s make a clock together!(和学生一起在黑板上画一个钟,复习1-10单词,新授单词eleven, twelve,o’clock)

3 pair work

One student move the clock and ask:“What time is it?” The other one answers:“It’s…o’clock. ”(通过同桌之间一问一答,充分操练句型,学生能熟练使用。)

4 It’s time for listening

Listen to the story and circle the time.(通过听录音,让学生在练习纸上圈一圈的方式让学生说出在课文中出现的时间。)

5 Read ,find and match

Read by yourselves, underline the key words and match them.(学生自读课文,划出文中的关键词,并在习题纸上连线。)

6 Try to say

Match the words.(通过连线,逐步学习课文中的四个场景,在场景中学习生词,短语和句型,并指导学生朗读课文,注意语音语调。)

7 It’s time for reading.

Read the story in groups, pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. (让学生分小组读课文,以学生为主体,学生之间可以相互纠正和帮助。)

Step 3: consolidation

1 Let’s dub the story. (通过小组合作的方式,分角色给课文内容配音,并通过评星标准让学生之间互评。)

2 Give a title for the story.

3 Retell Liu Tao’s day with your deskmates.(根据板书的提示,与同桌试着复述刘涛的一天。)

4 Time and tide wait for no man.(渗透情感教育,教育学生珍惜时间。)

Step 4: homework

1 Read the story fluently, try to imitate the pronunciation and intonation.