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师梦圆小学英语教材同步北师大版三年级起点三年级上册lesson 2 It's not your bag下载详情
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三年级上册英语《Unit 5 My Things lesson 2 It’s not your bag》精品课教案

Unit5 Let’s eat!(P1)

Teaching aims: 1. To learn to say foodwords------ juice, egg, bread. 2. Can use the sentence pattern,“I’d like some juice,please. Here you are.Have some bread ,too.

Key points: To act and say food words.

Difficult points: To pronunciate “I’d like...”correctly.

Teaching aids: word cards , tape, pictures

Teaching steps:

教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 教学措施 Step1

Warm-up Greetings

Free talk

Sing a song Sing “How are you”song. Step2 Presentation

Presen Ss say a chant:

Look at the cat.

It is fat.

Look at the pig.

It is big.......

T shows a bread and say;Look! What’s this? It’s bread. I like bread. (Write it on the blackboard)

Ss read after the teacher.

Ss read it one by one.

T shows a bread and ask: Are you hungry? Let’s cut the bread. Ss act it and say:

bread, bread,cut the bread.

Hide a bottle of juice in the bag,Ss guess it.Then T shows it and say: Look, juice. Drink some juice. Have some juice.

Let Ss drink juice ,when they drinking.T says: juice,juice,.Drink some juice.( Write it on the blackboard)

Ss read after the teacher.

Ss read it one by one.

Present the word “egg” by the same way.