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师梦圆初中英语教材同步沪教版七年级下册Listening 'The journey of a coin'下载详情
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II. Their speaking abilities can be improved through retelling and making stories.

Emotional aims:

I. Students can do better in group work and improve their team spirit.

II. They can learn to treasure their own property and do meaningful things with it.

Teaching key points:

I. Understand the journey of the coin: figure out how the coin travelled to Dora.

II. Get to know the key verbs in the story and learn to use them for retelling.

Teaching difficult points:

I. Retell the story in their own words.

II. Group work: Make a story for what Dora did with the coins she had got.

Teaching aids:

I. ActivInspire白板——白板笔(学生上台操作),聚光灯工具,显露工具,声音控制器

II. UMU学习平台 ——拍照上墙,现场展示学生作品

III. 微课视频

IV. 一枚狗年纪念硬币——作为小组评比winner的奖品

Teaching methods &highlights:

☆ 与中考听说题型紧密衔接:2nd listening—听选信息、3rd listening—信息转述

☆ 听促说:故事重述retell the story after listening

☆ 听续说:编故事make a story after listening

Teaching Procedures:

StepsPurposesTeaching ProceduresTeaching aidsStep 1

Warming up

图片热身To introduce the topic “coin” to students and to draw their attention

I. Listen to three different kinds of sound and guess what it is.

II. Guess which countries do the coins come from.声音控制器



问题引入To inspire students’ thinking about the question related to the topic of the lesson and to lead in the topic

I. Show the picture of Dora with a coin in her hand and ask students “How did the coin travel to Dora?”. II. Introduce the topic of the lesson “The journey of a coin”.

