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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点四年级下册Fun time&Cartoon time下载详情
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T:How many seasons are there in a year?What are they?

Which season do you like?Why?

2.Season cards show

T:I asked you to make a season card in groups.On the card,you can write or draw something about the seasons .Please show your cards.Which group would like to share?(课前布置任务:学生以小组合作的形式,从饮食、穿着、活动等角度来创编所钟爱的季节诗歌,并制作季节卡片。课堂展示要求:小组成员集体在讲台前,用展台展现季节卡片,以合作演绎的方式展示季节诗作。)

T:Listen carefully.Maybe I have some questions for you.

Which aeason do they like best?

What fruit do they eat?

What do they usually do/wear?


3.Enjoy a video about spring.

T:Which season do I like?I like spring best. And I make a poem about it.Let us enjoy.

Spring is here.I can see the butterflies. I can hear the bees. I can feel the wind.

Spring is here.It is a new start for everything. I can see the cherry trees. I can hear the frogs. I can smell the flowers.

Spring is here.But, however,sometimes I have a runny nose or a hayfever.It doesn’t matter.I like spring.Let us go outside and have fun.

Step 2 Cartoon Time

1.Leading up

T:Sam wants to go outside and have some fun with his mum.Here is a ticket. Where will he go?He will go to Yangzhou.


T:Which season is it now?

How is the weather in spring in Yangzhou?

T:Yangzhou is a beautiful and famous city.Here are some interesting places .

T:Yangzhou Science and Technology Museum.We can see many interesting things and have fun there.(呈现图A)

T:Zhuyuwan Park.What can we do there?(呈现图B)

T:Dongguan Street.What can we do there?(呈现图C)

T:Slender West Lake.What can we do there?(呈现图D)

T:You know,this is the first time for Sam to visit Yangzhou.Try to give some suggestions.(呈现一串省略号,引导学生想象)

S:Sam, Sam, you can go to and there.

T:Before travelling,what should Sam and Sam’s mum take?(呈现一空的的旅行包,请学生为Sam和妈妈的出行准备献计献策)

S:Money/Maps/Water bottles/Sunglasses/Caps/Snacks/

