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人教(PEP)版英语五年级下册《Unit 5 Whose dog is it B》优质课教案

3. 学生能灵活运用所学知识描述自己正在做什么的句子。

4. 培养学生学习英语积极的学习态度,保持对英语学习浓厚的兴趣,从而养成良好的英语交际兴趣与交际习惯。

5. 培养学生掌握一定的英语口语交际技巧,提高学生的英语交际能力。

6. 培养学生在学习实践活动中,互相学习、互相帮助、互相欣赏、团结合作、积极进取的精神。 Teaching Aids/Media PPT, word cards, sentence cards, pictures Teaching Procedures Teaching activities & steps Learning activities Purpose Warming-up 1. Present a song Animals, animals are everywhere. Sing a song Animals, animals are everywhere. 通过唱歌来增加学生对学习英语的热情 2. Guide Ss to talk about what are the animals doing in the zoo and review some words and phrases about the v.-ing Talk about what are the animals doing in the zoo and read the phrases 复习有关v.-ing的表达,为下面表达Is he v.-ing?操练作铺垫。 3. Guide Ss to talk about whose dog is it and lead in the content. Talk about whose dog is it. 为下面讲述有关Fido的内容作铺垫。 Presentation 3. Guide Ss to finish Let’s try Find out where is the dog 通过听力练习巩固本节课的有关 v.-ing 形式.为下面口语交际打好基础。 4. Guide Ss to listen to the dialogue and do some exercises (First listening) Listen to the dialogue and do the some exercises 回归课文,听课文录音,层层递进地理解课文内容。 5. Guide Ss to read the dialogue silently and do some exercises Read the dialogue silently and do some exercises 默读并考察学生寻找关键知识点的能力,并巩固相关知识 6. Guide Ss to read after thee-book and group readinge Read after the e-book and group reading 模仿课文录音,并通过角色扮演激发学生的学习动力和兴趣 7. Guide Ss to play games Play games 通过游戏来操练重点句型Is he v.-ing? 和Yes, he is./ No he isn’t. Consolidation and extension 8. Guide Ss to fill in the dialogue and add a new beginning and a new ending to the dialogue. Fill in the dialogue and add a new beginning and a new ending to the dialogue. 通过挖空填词和给对话组织一个新的开头和结尾,加深学生对课文的理解以及拓展学生的知识运用能力,使学生能在情景中灵活运用。 Summary 9. Summary and Homework Listen and read the dialogue on P48 twice and act out it. 总结本节课教学内容