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四年级下册《Unit 2 Cities Story Time》优秀教案

(Then they go to a supermarket for some ice cream.)

(Country Mouse tries to cross the street by himself, but the street is busy.)

(Country Mouse does not like the city. He wants to go home.)

(Country Mouse gets back home. He is happy again.)

(One day Country Mouse goes to the city to see his cousin, City Mouse. City mouse meets him at the bus station. Country Mouse wants to see a film first.)

City Mouse: OK, let’s go to the cinema.

Country Mouse: How can we get there?

City Mouse: It’s not far. We can go there on foot.

Country Mouse: Oh, there are so many people. We can’t get any tickets.

City Mouse: Let’s have some ice cream.

Country Mouse: How can we get to the supermarket?

City Mouse: We can take a bus.

Country Mouse: Oh no! there are so many cars.

City Mouse: Be careful !

Country Mouse: Oh, there are so many people, so many cars and so many buses here.

Country Mouse: Yeah! I love the country!


1)能听懂、会读以下词汇:city mouse country mouse

cinema supermarket on foot take a bus

2)能听懂并理解的词汇:cousin mice meet try to cross busy

3) 能听懂、会读并能较熟练掌握的句型:

How can we get to_______? We can _______?

There are so many….?

4) 读懂并理清故事线索(人物、场景、地点、事件、结局等)
