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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点四年级下册Part A , B, C, & D下载详情
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T: Are you happy?

Ss: …

T: Let’s sing a happy song together, OK?

Ss: …

T: First, watch the cartoon. Try to follow it.

Ok. Do you like this song?

Ss: …

T: It’s a very happy song. I want to sing like this. I want to sing with you together.

3. Review

How to invite our friends on the phone.

T: Last lesson, we went to Michael’s birthday party. Today we are going to have our party. Are you ready? Do you want your friends to come to the party? Now you can invite your friends to come to the party on the phone. Remember you are talking on the phone. But before you invite your friends. I want to discuss how do we invite friends to come to the party on the phone.

4. Ss talk and say

T: How can we invite our friends?

This is ….. speaking.

You can come to my party.

5. Review the words of the clothes

T: You have your friends to come to the party. Right? Everybody has your friends in the party. And now we should get dress. We need some beautiful clothes for the party.

T: What are these?

T: Are they nice? They are very nice for the party. I want one of you come to the blackboard and divide them in two groups How do you put them in two groups. According to my sentences.

The first is Whose … is this/that? Next is Whose … are they?

6.Play a guessing game

T: Now I want you to use the sentences to ask and answer. For example: Whose … is this? Whose …. are they? Maybe … Perhaps…

7. Show your clothes

T: Now, everybody has your clothes. Now, it’s time to show your clothes. Here are the model. Please try to read them.



8. Party time

Sing a song

9.Enjoy a story
