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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点五年级上册Grammar & Fun time下载详情
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Step 1 Greeting and review

Enjoy an English song.

Free talk.

Between the teacher and students.

The talk between the two students.

eg. A: Good morning , B.

B: Good morning, A. How are you today?

A: Fine ,thank you. I like reading stories. What do you like doing?

B:I like reading stories, too. I also like playing football.

A: What does your father do ?

B: He is an engineer. He works in the office. What about your mother?

A: She is a boss. She has a big factory.

A&B: That’s all. Thank you.

T: Ok, We know A’s mother is a boss .She has a big factory. And B’s father is an engineer. Good! In this class we’ll continue to learn Unit 5 What do they do? First lets’ play a game: Brain storm.(请你在20秒内不重复说出相关单词。)【共有两组:一组关于family members,另一组关于jobs先让学生在20秒内自由说单词,然后教师出示一些相关单词,学生一起朗读,以省略号结束,目的告知学生这类词还有很多,在复习job类单词时,教师再提供学生一些日常生活中经常用的新单词,为下面环节和课后的回家作业做一个提前准备。】

Step 2 Presentation and Practice

T: There are many other jobs. Today we’ll learn the jobs about these three families( their family , Bobby’s family , our family). First let’s see their family.

Fun time:(八张图片,以两个版面呈现,以两种不同要求教学)

T: Let’s try to remember their jobs. And try to ask and answer in pairs.


所用句型为:What does… do ? He/She is a/an… He/She…


T: Very good, let’s chant together. First listen. (Ss listen to tape)

T: Can you ? let’s have a try.

(Fun time的另一个版面,四张图片,还是记忆大考验, 但是在呈现答案时,采用开放性的方式,答案不唯一,让学生自由说,只要是合情合理都可以,复习巩固形式也是一个chant单,要求学生小组为单位自编chant,然后再展示)

T: What can you find from these sentences?(将上个环节中的chant 出示给学生,让他们朗读发现句子的共同点)

S1: 主语是三单的动词都加了s , es ,变y为i再加es

T: Yes , you’re right. Here’s a tip for you.


1)直接在词尾加“s”,如:plays;2) 以s,ch.sh,o结尾的则加“es”,如:does

