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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点五年级下册Checkout time & Ticking time下载详情
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Students can use the knowledge that they have learnt in this class to talk with each other freely.

Ⅳ. Teaching procedures:

Step1 Warming up

1. Free talk

T: First, let’s have a free talk. Hello, what’s your name?

How do you feel today?

Do you like eating sweets? (Don’t eat too many sweets, OK?)

T: Boys and girls, next, let’s watch a short video.

T:What is he looking for?

S: …

T: Today, we will go on learning Unit4 Seeing the doctor.

T: When we are ill, we can go to hospital .We can also see the family doctors too.

T: This is Dr Brown Bear. He is a family doctor. Do you want to experience Dr Brown Bear’s day? Before experiencing , we have two training projects. First let’s play a guessing game about the illnesses.

Step 2: Presentation.

Guessing Game.

T: I have some hints for you, please look ,listen or read, then guess

Fever cough headache toothache Earache

T:Big hands for him.

2. Summarize. (总结)

T: We know “head” and “ache”, headache

this one? (earache 注意连读)

this one? Earache

the last one stomach

T: Here“ch” is pronounced “k”.(开火车读stomach)

T: Stomach ache(动作stomach ache )

3. Establish records.

T: You all did a good job.

T: Look, who is she? We know she is ill. Let’s try to finish her record.

T: We have finished the training project. Let’s go with Dr Brown Bear and experience his day.

T: This is his timetable.
