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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点五年级下册Part C&D下载详情
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? ? Try to educate the students to love their city and protect the environment.

三、Analysis of the students:

? ? This is the 1st period of Part C&D. The students have learnt how to ask and show the way in unit2 and unit3 of this book, so this lesson is a revision lesson. The students can say some sentences .By this lesson, they can use the sentences smoothly. By the way, the students at this age are eager to say something and should know the importance of teamwork. So the teacher can design some activities for the students to work together and show themselves.?

四、Difficult and important points:

1.?Be able to master the sentence structures and use them freely to ask the way and show the way and they can show and tell their classmates their way to some places.

2. Be able to communicate with each other and enjoy the communication.

Teaching procedures教学过程:

Step1.Warm up and lead in

1 Show the learning aims

2 Sing the song—The wheels on the bus.

3 T: Bus is very useful for us, especially for me, because I live in Xuzhou, I come to school by bus, every day. How about you? Where do you live and how do you get to school?

S: I live in … I come to school by…/ on foot.


Step 2.Presentation

1. Activity1: Make a map of our city with the words about places.

T: We live in different places , we come to school in different way. On the way to school, what can you see?

S: I can see a hospital, a museum…


2. Activity 2: A game---Magic eyes

T: This is the map of our city. Can you find the places as quickly as you can?

T: Where’s the… S: It’s on …street.

S1: Where’s the.. S2: It’s on…street.

(游戏吸引学生的注意力,并进一步复习了句型 Where’s the…? It’s on …street.学生在愉快而紧张的氛围中不知不觉掌握了知识)

3. Activity 3: Show and tell your class about your way to school.

T: This is the map of our city. Can you find your house and our school. Please find them on the map and tell us about your way to school. You can use these sentences:

I live in…/on… I come to school… First, I … Next, I … Then, I …

(活动2 教师利用活动1组成的地图,要求学生找到自己家的位置和学校的位置,到前面来边说边演示自己上学的路线,学生有据可依,有话可说)

4 Activity 4: Being a guide

T: Boys and girls, you are familiar with our city, but my friend Nancy isn’t. She wants to come to our city, but she doesn’t know the way. Can you be her guide and help her find the places where she want to go? Let’s make dialogues to help her, OK?

(为学生设置一个真实的情境,让学生四人一组进行角色扮演,利用本课的重点句子I take…to go to… I get on…and get off..Then, I …编对话,来帮助Nancy指路,学生在对话中既巩固了重点,又体会了帮助别人的乐趣,一举两得)
