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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点五年级下册Grammar & Fun time下载详情
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I’ll give you one minute, choose one festival you like, try to retell it in details.

2. T:We have learnt some months of the year. Can you read them again?

This time, let’s watch a video and try to know more about the rest of them, OK?


3. T: Actually, every month gets its name because of something. Here I bring two stories. Read them, please.

T: And I want you to find out more about the twelve months. That will help you remember them.

4. T: To put these months on the calendar, people shorten the names of the months. For example, January is shorten as Jan. And December is shorten as Dec. What about the rest? Can you tell your partner?


5. T: Now open your books and check if you are right. Find two special ones, circle them on your book. (学生在书上圈画两个特别的,PPT显示May和Sept. 特别)

6. T: Now here I have some shorten forms in this chart. Look and read.

(学生看缩写形式在Bingo game格中看缩写说单词)

7. T: Now can you write the twelve months in your chart randomly and read them again?


8. T:Actually, this is the first step of a game called Bingo. If you want to play this game, you’ll have to say some sentences, too. This, time, can you read these sentences and try to write a sentence structure on the blackboard?


板书 is in ….. 关注大小写 in 和 or

Why do you use in here? What does or mean?

T: OK. Good. Because we are talking about the months, we use in before months.

And or means 或者。 Some Chinese festivals changes their dates every year, because we have the lunar calendar. So maybe we need brackets here.

And about the, we use it only before the Chinese traditional festivals. But for most of the western festivals, we don’t use the. For examples, we say Halloween, we don’t say the Halloween.

9. Do you really understand? Let me check you. (再做几个判断)做判断题

10. T: Now let’s try to use this sentence. Listen to me and finish my sentence.

Children’s Day

Teacher’s Day


The Double Ninth Festival i


11. T: Now let’s play the Bingo game in groups again. But remember you’ll have to use this sentence correctly. (交代规则 一人出题,三人说出完整句子 PPT上交代好规则)

Fun Time

1. T: Do you remember these words? (PPT出季节词)
