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师梦圆初中英语教材同步科普版八年级上册Section A下载详情
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3. 学习有关乐器的词汇。教学难点掌握感叹句的用法教学方法直观教学法、情景交际法、多媒体教学法、讲授法教具准备多媒体课件教学课时1课时教学过程环节教师活动学生活动设计意图Introduction1. Look at some pictures and learn some now words.

2.Play a song My heart will go on.”

3. Introduce something about Celine Dion.1. Students learn the words.

2.Students enjoying the song.

3. Listen to the teacher carefully.激发学生兴趣,引入新知。Presentation1. plays 1a ,finish 1b.

2. Play 1a sentence by sentence.

3. Give students 2 minutes to read 1a by themselves.

4. Finish 1c. Ask students to read 1a and find the expressions, draw a smiling face for a good feeling and a crying face for a bad feeling.

5.Learn the key points.1. Listen to 1a carefully.

Answer the questions.

2. Read 1a after the record.

3. Read 1a aloud.

4. Draw faces and try to feel the structure of exclamatory.培养学生针对1a对话的听、说、读、写,并感知感叹句的用法,复习be going to do 的句型。Consolidation1. Play a sound of piano, guitar, violin , drum ,erhu, ask students, “Where is the sound from ?” then teach these words.

2. Finish the first part of 2. And guess the meaning of “instrument”.

3. Play the conversation. Finish the listening task in 2.1. Answer the question. Read and try to remember these words.

2. Write down the words in the right place.

3. Listen to the conversations and number the pictures.1.学习多种乐器的词汇。

2.训练学生的听力能力。Practice1. Show the poster on page 64 to students. Encourage them to make a conversation similar to 1a.

2. Ask students to perform their conversations on the platform.

3.Do some exercises.1. Review 1a and discuss with partners. Try to make conversations.

2. Perform on the platform.



3.培养学生大胆说英语的习惯。Summary1. Ask students to try to make a poster according to 1a.

2. Teacher shows important language points on the computer screen as a summary.

3. Homework:

(1) Copy new words, prepare Section B after class.

(2) Make a poster according to 1a1. Try to make the poster in English.

2. Students summary the words and phrases together.
