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选修六《Unit 18 Beauty Unit Diary》优秀教案

Teaching procedures:

Step1 Lead-in

Greet the Ss.

Ask what they did in the industrial trip to WuHu.


Passage1: Guide the Ss to understand the passage.

Then ask questions to deepen their understanding of the passage.

1. Why does the author add quotation mark( “” ) to “Sun”-day?

2.What does the “foe” in “frend or foe” refer to?

3. What does “tropical”(P4L1) mean and how can you get the answer?

4. Why does the author think the Sunday roast in Britain special?

Ask the Ss to summarise the useful words and expressions from the passage.

Passage2: Guide the Ss to understand the passage.

Then ask questions to deepen their understanding of the passage.

Why did the author mention the “texting lane”in Antwerp in the last two paragraphs?

2. What is the author ‘s attitude to “text walking”?

A. objective B. supportive C. indifferent D. tolerant

Ask the Ss to summarise the useful words and expressions from the passage.

Step2 Designing

Ask the Ss worl in groups to design their own mindmap according their own understaning of the passages with the guidence of the questions

Passage 3

1. Is there anything special of the yoga class ?

2.What does the manager ‘s attitude to the yoga class?

3. Why does Huff Keep giving yoga class in prisons?

4. How does the prisoners’ feelings of the yoga class? Use some adjectives to describe them.