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北师大版选修六《Unit 18 Beauty Unit Diary》优秀教案设计

5.He had a novel and ________________(disturb) experience last year.

6.There is a _______________(tend) to use plastics in place of metals at present.

7.We should ______________(treatment) people and animals with humanity.

8.It is _____________ (evidence) that smoking is harmful to health.

9.I bought this magazine on the_________________(recommend) of a friend.

10.The secretary ____________ (abrupt) left the conference room.


1.He made a _______________that he would never ___________ the same mistake again.(commit)

2.The______________ decided to ______________ his troops to march on, which was the last ______________ before they attacked the enemy.(command)

3.The scenery of the mountain village _____________ me, especially the _____________tower beside it.(strike)

Unit 18 Revision II

1.die out完全消失,灭绝

(1)die of/from sth.  死于……

die away (声、光、风)渐弱,逐渐消失

die down (火、暴风雨、光)渐弱,平息,渐息

die off (家族、种族等)相继死亡

(2)be dying for sth./to do sth. 渴望(做)某事

①The excitement of the audience has __________________. 众人激动的情绪已经平静下来了。

②As we all know, I _________________ a visit to Disneyland. 众所周知,我真想去游览迪斯尼游乐场。

③As we all know, many old customs are in danger of ______________.

④The sound of their laughter __________________ .

⑤In Africa, many people __________________ hunger every year.


Some fish and birds ①___________ due to environmental pollution; some animals are ②______________________ on account of lack of habitat. I ③____________________ a volunteer to save these friends of ours.由于环境污染,一些鱼和鸟类相继死去;由于缺乏栖息地,一些动物面临灭绝的危险。我非常想做一名志愿者去拯救我们的这些朋友。

2.to be honest 说实在的,说实话