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必修三英语《Unit 8 Protecting the Environment Section 3: GRAMMAR MAKES SENSE》精品课教案

内容 Unit 8 Protecting the Environment

Grammar makes sense——

Emphatic Sentences 年 级 高一年级下 教学

目标 1. To get and use the Emphatic Sentences with “it” to express strong feelings by pictures and model sentences.

2. To arouse the sense of protecting the environment with the aid of pictures and a video. 教材

分析 本课为unit 8的第三部分Grammar makes sense的第一堂课,以环保为话题,采用发现和探究的方法启发学生自己找出重要语言项目,帮助学生了解、熟悉并掌握“it”引导的强调句的用法。 学情

分析 本校处于城乡结合部,学生英语水平参差不齐,对英语学习兴趣普遍不高,缺乏对学习策略的有效运用,因此我们在教学过程中着重夯实基础知识,培养学生的自我评估能力,使学生树立自信心,发展自主学习的能力和合作精神。 教学

重难点 1. How to judge if a sentence is an emphatic one.

2. How to cooperate with the group members to complete tasks, show their work and describe their posters. 教学

策略 通过完成任务,建立以学生为主的探究模式,由易到难理解强调句。通过小组合作与师生课堂评价,学生在老师为主导学生为主体的教学环境中形成自主探究式学习模式。


学生通过小组活动开展合作与探究,用英语制作海报,锻炼动手动脑的能力。 教学步骤 设计思路 Step 1:Lead-in(5 mins)

T: At the beginning of the class, we’ll watch a video. While you’re watching, please think about the following four questions and write your answers on your worksheets.

1. What animal can we see in the video?

2. Why can’t he find enough food?

3. What caused these things to happen?

4. Who should be responsible?

Watch the video and answer the questions.

T: Please answer the questions. Question 1: What animal can we see in the video?

SS: A bony polar bear.

T: We can see a bony polar bear in the video. That’s to say it is a bony polar bear that we can see in the video. Not any other animals, but a bony polar bear. It emphasizes the object. Let’s read the sentence together.

SS: It is a bony polar bear that we can see in the video.

T: Question 2/3/4: …

SS:… (SS answer the following three questions.)

Step 2:Objectives and steps(2 mins)