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必修四《Review 2》优秀教案


Task1:Important words and phrases (Try to remember them)

1.____________ n. vt.渴望; 欲望2.___________ n.vt. (使)警觉; (使)惊恐; →__________adj. 担心的; 害怕的 3. _____________ n. 同情(心); 支持; 赞 同

4. __________n. vt.喜爱; 恩惠;偏袒 5._______ n. 发型,理发 6. ___________vt. 陪伴, 伴奏 7.__________n. 事务; 暧昧关系8 __________vt.宣布,声明 9. ___________ vt. 忌妒; 羡慕10. ___________ 考验出; 检验完11. __________给……打电话

12. _____________ 转身; 翻转 13. ___________不管; 别惹; 让一个 人待着;

14. _____________ 将……放在一边; 为……节省或保留(钱或时间)

Task2: Listen to the recording, discover the topic sentence of each paragraph.



A. The robot, called Tony, didn’t look like a machine at all.

B. A robot used to do the housework was going to be tested out by Larry’s wife, Claire.

C. Tony wanted to please Claire by helping her make herself and her home elegant

D .It was disturbing and frightening to Claire that Tony looked so human.

E. Tony folded his arms around Claire, bending his face close to hers.

F .But Claire began to trust Tony

G. Tony gave Claire a new haircut and changed the makeup she wore.

H. The company was very pleased with Tony’s report on his three weeks with Claire.

I. Tony expected the house to be completely transformed.

J. Tony worked steadily on the improvements

K. Claire might not be as beautiful as those women, but none of them had such a handsome lover.

L. Then she remembered – Tony was just a machine.

Task3: Skim the text ,choose the best answers.

1. Why did Claire feel alarmed at the sight of Tony?

A. Because he was a robot.

B. Because she did’t like him.