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冀教版英语选修七《Unit 2 Global Warming Section 4: READING FOR MEANING》优质课教案

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Ask students to review the key words and expressions of this passage..

Share answers with neighbors.

Read one by one.

Leading in Watch a video Think about what the video talks about

Skimming 1.What’s the main idea of the passage?

2. Match each part with right choice. Through reading quickly get the main idea of the passage..

Read the passage again and match the right choice. Careful

reading Question:

What’s the cause of global warming?

Find out the different attitudes towards global warming.

Do some True or False.

Answer the question:

Which one is not true?

In paragraph 2 the answer can be found.

Read the passage again and list the positive and negative effects towards global warming.

Let the students get a better understanding of the details of the passage.

Consolidation Finish the blank in the passage .

Through doing this part, students can consolidate the passage very well.

Discussion Discuss in groups to give a suggestion for global warming.

Through the show of the six groups , students can know how to reduce global warming in order to protect our living environment.

Summary What have we learnt today? Today we have learned more about global warming, such as its cause, different attitudes and so on.

Homework A层: 熟读且熟记重点词汇。