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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点六年级下册Story time下载详情
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T: Now, let’s listen to the tape and try to find the answer.

What habits do they have? Let’s discuss in groups. Then you can write the answer in the balloons. Who can answer?

(2)Read and find

T: You did a very job. But I think there are more habits in the story. Please read the test again and try to find them out.

T: Here bedtime means brushes teeth…

(3)Do a judgment.

T: Good. They have a lot of habits here. But what are the good habits? And what are the bad habits?

T: We know Liu Tao often does his homework late at night and goes to bed late, so he often feels… in the morning.

Step3 Reading time.

T: Let’s read the test please. Look at the signs here.(注意读音的降调符号,提示学生在肯定句和感叹句要用降调来读)

Listen to the tape

Step4 Retell the story.

1. T: Time to retell the story. First, let’s retell it together.

T: You can choose one student to describe. Maybe you can say it one by one, or you can say it together. Please pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.

Ask some groups to retell it.

Step5 Consolidation

a. Think and talk

T: Hello, class. We know Liu Tao has three good habits, and two bad habits. He wants to do better. Can you help him to change the bad habits?

T: Now let’s talk about some good habits. What good habits do you know? Let’s discuss in groups.

b. Try to say