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牛津译林版(2019)英语必修二《Unit 4 Exploring literature》Integrated skills1优质课教案

Integrated skills 1

Recommending books to the school library


By the end of this section, students will be able to:

1. tell the features of different types of literature by reading some PPT slides;

2. know the reading strategies of PPT slides;

3. collect basic information of the books in the school library by viewing a video;

4. analyse the reasons for the level of popularity of different types of literature.


1. To collect basic information of the books in the school library by viewing a video;

2. To analyse the reasons for the popularity of different types of literature.


步 骤 教学活动 设计意图 互动时间&模式 Lead-in Step 1 The teacher shows students a picture of a book cover of the Harry Potter series and asks them whether they have read it. The teacher asks students to tell what type of books they belong to. 由学生非常熟悉的《哈利·波特》系列丛书为切入口导入“文学体裁”这一话题,激发学生对于该话题的原有认知,为本节课的学习做好准备。 3’

Individual Work

Class Work Step 2 Students work in pairs and list some other types of literature besides novels with the help of a mind map. Students tell the features of each type briefly. 通过同伴协作,探讨文学的各种体裁及其特点,并将知识结构化,提升思维能力。 7’

Pair Work Reading Step 3 1. The teacher asks students to have a talk about the features of good PPT slides. Then students try to figure out how the audience can make use of PPT slides when they attend a lecture.

2. The teacher has students read the PPT slides on Page 50 made by the president of the school Book Club, Gary, and try to understand the features of each type. Students try to fill in the blanks about this part of knowledge.

3. The teacher asks students to tell which type of books they like best and why. 学生在自学及回顾以往所学的基础上,交流探讨优秀幻灯片的特点,以及观众如何阅读幻灯片可帮助理解演讲。


阐述或推荐自己喜好的文学体裁并说明原因,为“看”做铺垫。 15’