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师梦圆高中英语教材同步牛津译林版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 3 The world online下载详情
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必修三《Unit 3 The world online》Reading 1优秀教案

Reading 1

The Internet: a world without frontiers


By the end of this section, students will be able to:

1. grasp the structure, outline and details of the article by skimming and scanning;

2. understand how cohesive devices and comparisons are used in the article;

3. adopt a critical attitude towards the Internet.


1. To read and understand the article;

2. To describe your online activities and write a comparison of the life before and after smartphones were invented.


步 骤 教学活动 设计意图 互动时间/模式 Pre-reading Step 1 The teacher has students answer the two questions on Page 30.

1. What do you often do on the Internet?

2. What effects do you think the Internet has on your life?

By answering the two questions, students talk about their online activities. If possible, the teacher can show some pictures to offer some clues.

Students share with each other the effects the Internet has on their lives. 激发学习兴趣,定位学习起点,自然引出学习任务。 3’

Individual Work

Class Work Step 2 The teacher has students recall what the topic of this unit “The world online” means. The teacher has students read the title to predict the contents of the article by asking the following questions and directs students’ attention to the title of this article.

1. Why is the Internet compared to “a world without frontiers” by the author?

2. What could be discussed in this article?