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牛津译林版(2019)必修三英语《Unit 3 The world online》Project优秀教学设计


Holding a debate about bringing mobile phones to school


By the end of this section, students will be able to:

1. explore the advantages and disadvantages of bringing mobile phones to school;

2. know the rules of debate and different roles involved in a debate;

3. have a debate about whether students should be allowed to bring mobile phones to school;

4. evaluate and comment on each speaker’s performance.


1. To explore the advantages and disadvantages of bringing mobile phones to school;

2. To have a debate about whether students should be allowed to bring mobile phones to school.


步 骤 教学活动 设计意图 互动时间/模式 Preparation Step 1 The teacher has students brainstorm together about the advantages and disadvantages of bringing mobile phones to school. 激活学生与“bringing mobile phones to school”话题相关的信息知识储备以及语言知识储备,为辩论扫除明显的信息及语言障碍。 5’

Class work

Step 2 The teacher has students get to understand how a debate is organized by introducing the following procedure. 激活学生进行辩论所必需的形式和流程知识储备,让学生知晓辩论的基本形式和流程。 3’

Group Work Step 3 The teacher has students work in groups of four and choose the “for” or “against” side of the debate about bringing mobile phones to school.

Have students work in groups of four and do some research or interview teachers and schoolmates to collect information for their arguments. 为使辩论顺利进行,各小组必须明确项目任务及组内每个成员的分工;通过讨论让学生明确自己的立场和观点。 5’

Group Work Implementation & Evaluation Step 4 The teacher has students practice using the expressions introducing arguments and arguing against previous opposition speakers in Part B on Page 41.

1. How will the lead speaker introduce the topic and put forward arguments?

2. How will the second speaker argue against previous opposition speaker and introduce new argument?