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牛津译林版(2019)必修三《Unit 2 Natural disasters》Grammar and usage优秀教案设计

Unit 2 Natural disasters

Grammar and usage

I. Learning objectives

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

1. understand the functions of to-infinitives as attributives and adverbials of result;

2. use to-infinitives as attributives and adverbials of result properly in different situations;

3. rewrite a passage using to-infinitives.

II. Key competence focus

Use to-infinitives as attributives and adverbials of result correctly and properly.

III. Predicted area of difficulty

1. Use to-infinitives as attributives and adverbials of result in new situations.

2. Rewrite a passage using to-infinitives.

IV. Teaching procedures

Step 1 Lead-in

T: Hello, everyone. Last period we read two news reports about the lucky escapes from two natural disasters. First, I’d like to show your some sentences in these two news reports.

? Alice Brown, head teacher at Falmont Primary School, was teaching when the floor began to shake.

? The moment the shaking stopped, Miss Brown sensed it was the best time for the class to make their escape.

? She signalled to her students to exit the classroom in an orderly line covering their heads with their hands.

? The kids were calm enough to protect themselves during the earthquake.

? “We practise earthquake safety procedures twice a year,” said Miss Brown, “so the kids were calm enough to protect themselves during the earthquake.”