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必修三《Unit 2 Natural disasters》Extended reading优秀教案

Unit 2 Natural disasters

Extended reading

I. Learning objectives

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

1. expand their knowledge of Pompeii by going through online or offline resources;

2. have a comprehensive understanding of the novel’s plot by drawing a plot mountain;

3. identify some language features of the novel (sensory details, similes, periodic sentences);

4. infer what real life was like in Pompeii and raise their self-protection awareness in the future.

II. Key competence focus

1. Sort out the plot of the novel.

2. Identify the language features of the novel.

III. Predicted area of difficulty

Form one’s own opinions based on the novel.

IV. Teaching procedures

Step1 Information search (before class)

T asks Ss to go through online or offline resources for some information about the Roman Empire, Pompeii and Mount Vesuvius.


Step2 Knowledge extension

1. T quotes a description of the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius, written by Pliny the Younger, to introduce the novel.

2. T encourages Ss to share their knowledge of the Roman Empire, Pompeii and Mount Vesuvius with their classmates.