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六年级下册(2014年10月第1版)《Sound time, Culture time & Cartoon time》新课标教案下载-龙岩市优质课

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1. 能理解并正确读出景点名:Uluru, the Grand Canyon, Buckingham Palace, Niagara Falls.

2. 能熟练运用一般将来时描述自己的旅行计划并写成语篇。






Step 1 Free talk

Qs: 1. What day is it today?

2. What’s the date today?

3. May Day is coming. What are your plans for your May Day holiday?

4. Do you have a long holiday?

5. What are your plans for your summer holiday?

Step 2 Revision

T: Work in groups of four. Talk about your summer holiday plans. You can ask and answer with the words: where, when, who, what, how, how long…

Two groups show their dialogue, other students listen and answer the teacher’s question: Where will he/she go? When will he/she go there? What will he/she do? Who will go with him/her? How will he/she go there? How long will he/she go there?

Step 3 Culture time

T: If you are making your summer holiday plans, I have a good book for you. Look. (Show a picture of the book: National Geographic) What kind of book is it?

Ss: It’s a travel book. (Learn the word: travel)

T: There are a lot of pictures of beautiful places. Do you want to see them?

Ss: Yes.

T: OK. Let’s open the book. (You’ll find the Great Wall in China. You’ll find Big Ben in the UK.) Do you know any other places? Can you introduce more?(Show some pictures of many places)

Ss: Yes. You’ll find… in …

T: You have know these places, right? Today, we have four new scenic spots in this book. All of them are very beautiful. Do you want to see them?

Ss: Yes.

T: OK. Let’s see. (Show pictures and learn: Uluru, Buckingham Palace, Niagara Falls, Grand Canyon) Now, can you name these four pictures?

T: Well done. Do you know where the four places are? Can you guess?

Ss: …

T: Now, let’s listen and you will find the answers. (Listen to the record)
