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六年级下册(2014年10月第1版)《Sound time,Song time & Cartoon time》公开课教案下载-邢台市优质课

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2. 会使用want to be/do 和will的句型来进行仿写来描述自己的梦想。

3.会使用want to be/do 和will的句型来进行文章和句子的仿写来描述自己的梦想。




听录音跟读Cartoon time部分5遍,圈出觉得有困难的词。

2. 翻译词组

我们的梦想 在将来

关心,在乎 足球运动员

在世界杯 给孩子们写故事

变成真得 驾驶飞船去月球

擅长写作 使人们变得健康又美丽

3.Pair work (小组合作了解书中小伙伴的梦想)

Mike wants to ___ a . He wants to ____ children their teeth. Wang Bing wants to be ____ . He wants to ___ a ___ the Moon. Liu Tao wants to be a football . She wants to in the World Cup. Su Hai wants to be a . Because people and beautiful. Nancy wants to be a . She wants to stories ___ children. Yang Ling wants to be a . Because she thinks makes people happy. Miss Li wants to see her students’ dreams .



★4. Read the cartoon and answer the questions(学习Cartoon time部分)

1)What does Bobby want to be?

2)What does Sam want to be?

3)What does Willy want to be?

4)What does Billy want to be?

5.Read the dialogue

1) Read the text after the tape(组内自读) 2) Read in groups(小组领学)

★★6.Complete the forms in groups.(让学生找找课文含有的will和should的句型。)

Namewant to (be)...should...will...BobbySamWillyBilly

Group work: P87页Checkout time中的Think and write话动,


I want to be a in the future.

I want to .

To make my dream come true, I will:
