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师梦圆小学英语教材同步外研版一年级起点二年级上册Unit 1 I don't like meat.下载详情

二年级上册(2013年7月第1版)《Unit 1 I don’t like meat.》集体备课教案下载-马鞍山市优质课

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  Greeting. Hello, boys and girl. How are you?

  Review the words and sentences.

  T: Look at the pictures. What sport/ colour/ animal do you like?

  Ss: I like …。


  a. Teach the new words.

  Oh, I’m hungry. (揉肚子) I want to eat. (吮吸面条的声音)。 Guess what’s this?

  Yes. “Noodles” Teach it. T: I like noodles. What about you? Ss: I like noodles.(板书)

  I’m still hungry. I still want to eat. Look. I like it. What’s this? Rice. (不发音,让学生注意口型)

  Chick,chick, chick, I like rice.

  Tweet,tweet, tweet, I like rice.

  -是什么味道这么香?I will have a look.( Show a picture)。 Oh, what’s this? Do you like it? How to say the word, can you guess? (让学生自己猜测读音,培养学生的观察能力)。(meat)

  Oh, I’m a lion. I like meat. What about you? (模仿狮子)

  e. I think noodles, meat, rice are very very nice.(拍手)

  Say the chant. Noodles, meat, rice are very very nice.

  Mmm, mmm, mmm! Very,very, nice. (You are good children.)

  e. Practise to say “I like noodles/meat/ rice.”

  三、 New-teaching

  a. Oh, it’s 12 o’clock. It’s lunch time. Our friends are eating. Q1: What are they eating? Let’s listen.

  Ss: noodles, rice, meat and sweets. Teach the new word “sweets”。

  Show some pictures: So many _______. They are ________.

  T: Do you like sweets? Ss: Yes.

  T: Does Tom like sweets too? What does Tom like? What doesn’t Tom like?

  b. Listen to the tape and try to repeat, find the answer.

  c. Find the answers. I like sweets. I don’t like noodles/ meat/ rice.( You are a good boy/ girl. Stickers for you) (回答出问题的,奖励学生)

  d. Read the sentences. Play a game.

  e. Open the books. Read after the teacher.