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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津上海课标版八年级上册Unit 3 Trouble!下载详情
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But, the pictures are not in correct order. Please put them in order.


How can you know the postman came before your brother gave you a present? “In the morning” and “at lunch” show the time order.

板书 Tip 2

Here are an example, please use some words to connect three sentences and show the time order. Besides the words you mentioned, I also have some useful expressions.


Read it. What’s the difference between “I saw a robbery” and this short passage? We can add details.

If the whole story needs a title, what should be good? Which word is very important in the title?

Where do we need to add details to show “unusual”? Which sentence or sentences?

How can we add details? Do you still remember 6 elements of the story?

Easy questions: When? In the morning or in the afternoon? Where? Who? How did they ask for money?


Look at two pictures again carefully. As you see, Judy saw everything and heard everything at that moment. So suppose you are Judy and your partner is the policeman. Have pair work: ask and answer with 6 WH words and collect more details.

What was the right thing for you to do at that moment?


What else might the bank clerk say?

Show “She jumped for joy.” “She cheered and whistled.” When might she do these actions?

So sometimes you can ask yourself one more question (like how? why? questions) and think more about what you see or hear. Maybe you will find out more details that others cannot easily get.


So when we write about an event, First, we must pay attention to the verbs. We should use verbs in the right tenses. Here we use the past form of the verbs to show the event in the past. Second, we should write in the right order, logical order or time order. Third, we need to add details to the main ideas by asking ourselves some WH questions.

Please work in groups. Each of you needs to choose one picture and add details to it. Then show us in the front.


Here is a checklist for you. Listen to their presentation carefully and tell me if they paid attention to 3 tips. And give the examples.

Group 1 is responsible for Tip 1. Group 2 Tip 2. Group 3 Tip 3.

This checklist is also helpful when you are writing.


Is this story complete? I don’t think so. What’s the end of this story?

Wow, you have great imagination. But my answer is also funny and creative. Have a look. They climbed up to the helicopter but the money fell out of the bag. It started to rain money.

Now it’s your turn to add an ending. It’s up to you. Use your imagination and give me so many different ideas. Don’t forget 3 tips.