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n. 软体虫,蠕虫

After we arrived in Australia, I went to the toilet with my bag. Then we wanted to take a taxi. Suddenly, I couldn’t find my bag. “It never rains but it pours.” I couldn’t found my mobile phone, either.

I was worried. So we risked asking people around for help. People there were really kind. They helped us. They said, “Don’t worry. Many hands make light work.”

[r?sk] vt. 冒险做

Soon after, they found my bag and my mobile phone was in it too. Every dog has its day. I was so lucky. In English, it means “Everybody will be lucky or successful sometime in their life.”


adj. 成功的


Have you remembered the 4 sayings?

Can you guess their Chinese meanings?

The early bird catches the worm.

It never rains but it pours.

Many hands make light work.

Every dog has its day.

What useful tips does Jenny offer in the

school radio show?

When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

Do you know the Chinese meaning of

this sentence?

This is an English saying.

Using English sayings (使用英语谚语)

A saying is a short wise statement that usually gives advice or expresses some truth about life.


When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

(When you are in a foreign country or a situation you are not familiar with, you should behave in the way that people around you behave.)

They make what you say or write simple and vivid (生动的).



A. Sandy collected some sayings. Help her match the sayings with their meanings. Write the correct letters in the boxes.

