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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版九年级上册Reading 1: What should I do?下载详情

九年级上册(2014年6月第1版)《Reading 1: What should I do?》新课标PPT课件下载-百色市优质课

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A: What problem do you have?

B: …

A: Why not… / Perhaps you should…

Talk about problems and give advice

Everyone has problems. If we have a problem, what should we do ? We can

get advice from our friends, teachers or parents. What else can we do ? Do you know?

We can also get advice from some newspapers,

magazines and websites. We can also get help

from some youth workers.

Millie and Simon have problems. They wrote to Mr. Sigmund Friend, a famous

youth worker, to ask for some advice.

Teenage problems

Mr Friend wants to help Millie and Simon. He has made a list of keywords in their letters. Match the words on the left with the meanings on the right. Write the correct letters in the blanks.

n. 清单

1. choice ___

2. stay up ____

3. imagine ____

4. doubt ____

5. cause ____

6. strict ____

7. develop ____

8. valuable ____

a. reason

b. be not sure if something is true

c. making sure that rules are obeyed

d. very useful or important

e. the right to decide which thing you want

f. start to have a skill, ability, etc.

g. go to bed later than usual

h. form a picture in your mind of someone or something

