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How many kinds of languages are there in the world?

More than 3000 languages are spoken in the world.

The World’s Top Ten Languages

1.What do you think the numbers after the names of the languages mean?

The number of people who speak the language worldwild.

2.The article is probably taken from

A.an English teaching book

B.a business book

C.a science book

Take in some kind of languages & reading skills

Fast reading

Take in some kind of languages & reading skills

Search for detailed information

1.Hindustani will never become the first world language because_____.

the population of India will never overtake the population of China

B. it includes a huge number of dialects

C. too many people speak English in India

2. 750 million is the total number of people who

speak English as a ________ or ________

language,and English is the ________ language

in more than 75 countries.

Careful-reading (task 1 para.1-4 )

1.Hindustani will never become the first world language because_____.

the population of India will never overtake the population of China

B. it includes a huge number of dialects