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模块八 Module VIII Appreciating literature and art《Project(2): Writing a film review》PPT课件优质课下载

D. The plot is special, and superior to some of Hollywood sci-fi blockbusters.

2. Which is not mentioned in the comments?

A. The Wandering Earth will open a New Page of Chinese Science Fiction Films.

B. Chinese sci-fi films achieve the success with the release of The Wandering Earth.

C. Chinese sci-fi films’ budgets are monopolized by Hollywood.

D. Chinese filmmakers add a brand new element to the plot.

Who is the man in the picture? What do you know about him?

Question 1

He is Liu Cixin (刘慈欣), a Chinese science fiction writer. He is famous for his work The Three-Body Problem, published in 2007. He is the first author from Asia to win the Hugo Award (雨果奖) for Best Novel. The adaptation of his short story, “The Wandering Earth,” was released during the Spring Festival. It became the second highest-grossing film at the Chinese box office within two weeks.

What is science fiction? Can you name some science fiction novels or stories you have read?

Question 2

science: knowledge about the world, especially based on examining, testing and proving facts

fiction: the type of book or story that is written about imaginary characters and events.

science fiction: books, films or cartoons about events in the future which are affected by imaginary developments in science, typically dealing with space exploration, time travel and extra-terrestrial (外星球的) life

1. According to the article, which of the following statements about The Wandering Earth is NOT true?

A. Critics did not expect too much of the film before its release.

B. It is the first time that Chinese science fiction has achieved success in the film industry.

C. The film was adapted from a short story in Liu Cixin’s The Three Body Problem.

D. In the future we might be faced with similar crises to the one described in the movie.

Choose the best answer.


2. We can learn from the article that the author ______.
