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What is the poem A about?

Poem A is a nursery rhyme that illustrates(说明) a father’s love for his boy.

Nursery rhymes(童谣)

Nursery rhymes are the first poems that children will hear. They are often sung. Children love to move and dance to nursery rhymes and songs because they have strong regular rhythms. They enjoy the rhymes and the way the nursery rhyme plays with sounds.

Read Poem B & C and answer the following questions

What is the poem B about?

Poem B is an amusing nonsense poem which describes images of some ridiculous things

What is the poem C about?

Poem C is about losing a football match and the writer lists a lots of excuses for their failure

List poems(清单诗)

A list poem is a list of things. It can have as many lines as the writer likes. Sometimes they have repetition in them and sometimes they have words that rhyme. When a list poem has rhyming words, it also has a regular rhythm.

Read Poem D & E

a description of a lovely brother

a description of hot and boring summer

Cinquain poems(五行诗)

A cinquain is made up of five lines and has the following structure:

Line 1: a noun that names the subject of the poem

Line 2: two adjectives that describe the subject

Line 3: three verbs ending with –ing that describe the subject’s actions

Line 4: four words that give the writer’s opinions or feelings about the subject

Line 5: a word that gives another name for the subject

the features of the two poems

Cinquain poems (five lines)

Brother -----a noun

Beautiful, athletic -----2 adjectives
