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人教2003课标版《Using LanguageⅠ》公开课PPT课件优质课下载

On the contrary, others object to the idea, thinking that it could raise a storm of moral questions. For example, they could feel cast down to find that some evil leaders may want to clone themselves with the aid of the technology of cloning.

Nowadays, cloning has given rise to widespread concern and people’s opinions differ from each other widely on it.

Revision: Positive and Negative Viewpoints on Cloning

Some people are in favour of its development, for they believe it will help people not being able to have their children realize their dream of being parents. Besides, treatment for many incurable diseases can be found, helping those who are in good condition recover from illnesses. Therefore, it will be bound to benefit the development of modern medicine.

“Classroom air conditioning”, though a small issue, was put forward as one of the main themes of People's livelihood Consultation Conference of People's Congress (人大民生议政会)in Futian District in Shenzhen.

Another controversial problem:

Principal had difficulty in concentrating on class

(校长): unable to sit still

hard to raise funds(筹集资金)

management & maintenance(维修)a big problem

Parents: 10 sets of uniforms to wash

provide poor ventilation (空气不流通)

cause a strange kind of smell

fall ill because of infectious diseases

Opinions of people from all ranks of life

How do our teacehers feel about installing air-conditioners in the classrooms?

Our headmaster wants to hear your opinions about whether we should install air-conditioners in the classrooms.

Agree? Disagree?

Discuss in groups and write down the opinions in your side. Only key words or phrases.


思考角度:students and teachers’ feelings about air-conditioners, their health, costs , control and management(控制与管理), energy saving(节省能源)….

正方 Positive

(agree to install air-conditioners)

反方 Negative

(disagree to install air-conditioners)