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Let’s find out the answer in this class:

Unit5 Reading(2)

New words and phrases: 准备 皱纹 脉搏 鼓掌 嚎叫 加速 逮捕、吸引 眩晕的 要是就好了 不时地 向前看、为将来打算

preparation wrinkle pulse applaud

howl accelerate arrest dizzy

If only… now and then look ahead

Part1: Read the passage quickly with these questions:

1.What kind of food did Lala’ s family prepare for the guests ?

2. Who does the most dangerous tasks?

3. Where does the danger come from?

1. What kind of food did Lala’ family prepare for the guests?

nuts; fruits; fish; the deer and pig meat

2. Who does the most dangerous tasks?

Men do the most dangerous tasks.

3. Where does the danger come from?

The danger comes from the wild animals.

Part2:Careful Reading

1. From Para.1, Lala was happy last year because __?

A. she didn’t have to prepare for the feast.

B. Her husband loved her very much .

C. She was lucky to be chosen by Dahu.

D. She was together with her sister and mother.

2. We can learn from para1 that the family groups lived on _____.

A. fish B. crops

C. hunting D. farming