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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版八年级上册Section B 3a —4 Self check下载详情
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Learn by yourselves


Step 2

Para.1 Will robots think like humans in the future?

Para.2 What will robots be like in the future?

Para.3 What can robots do today?

Para.4 What are robots like in movies?


Read the artical together and match each paragraph with the question

Learn from each other

in groups.

( 合作交流)

Step 3

1. What are robots like in movies and what can they do ?

2. What can robots do today ?

They are like human servants.

They help with housework and do jobs like working in dirty or dangerous places.

They help to build cars and do some simple jobs over and over again.

Read the artcle again.

3. What do many scientists think robots

will be able to do in 25 to 50 years?

4. What will robots look lke in the future?

What will snake robots be able to do ?

They think that robots will be able to talk like humans in 25 to 50 years.

They will look like humans and animals

Snake robots will be able to help

look for people under the buildings

1. What are robots like in movies and what can they do ?

2. What can robots do today ?

be like ......
