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Generally, we have three ways to express we don’t feel good. Pay attention to the color change. Tell me the phrase under each color.

Pink, the blue ones and the yellow ones.




What can you see from this picture?


引出新闻的特征,设置锦囊增添悬念,分四个小组,方便接下来的小组竞赛和讨论 “ Just now you told me it’s a piece of news, but why?” “ Look at the time, did it happen a long time ago? No, it’s just yesterday, so it’s new in time” “ and look at the title and story, did I make it up? Is it true? Yes, so it’s true in story” “So, from above we can see it’s a piece of news. But do you know how to read and write a piece of news?”


细节阅读第二自然段,找到第二自然段中不同的人的行为活动,并归类在相对应的圆圈里。Just now we knew when, where and who did the story happen from Para.1, but what did people do to save the old man? Please read Para.2 carefully and find out the words of people’s actions. For example…I hugged my friend. So the action here is hugged…understand? 核对答案 做好板书 通过所有动作得出结论 第二自然段是关于人们如何(HOW)救老人的。 结合ppt带大家复述第二自然段


细节阅读第三自然段 After reading Para.2 we know people tried their best to save the old man? But what happened to the old man? Did he die? Let’s keep reading Para.3 and find out the answers…”

揭晓锦囊内容 引出本篇新闻结构 Now, it’s time to open our tip bag…

Look at the title and picture. “How many people can you see?” “ What was the woman doing?”

who is he? when and where did the story happen? what happened to him on that day?


Pay attention to this word “situation”. What do you think the writer will tell us in next paragraph? What happened to Aron?


After that, he climbed down the mountain to find help.


And the book is called…. What does this mean? What does Aron tell us in this book?

Did he give up climbing after the accident? Why?


There are sometimes we find ourselves between a rock and a hard place. Sometimes it may mean life and death, sometimes it may not. As for us, we are going to attend one of the most important exams in our daily life---Senior High School Entrance Examination. To avoid being between a rock and a hard place two months later. What should we do? Have Aron’s spirit and work hard now.



让学生运用所学结构学写新闻 并分享新闻 三到四名同学 Just now you have seen my picture and I shared one story I saw, I think we live a colorful life at school. I want you to write a piece of news according to what we have learnt today.

Unit7 What’s the matter?

