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Unit 5 Lesson 3 Famous People

Try to guess She is a woman. She is not Chinese. She wrote many books, and one of her most famous books is Three Days to see. She couldn't hear or see, but she helped many people. Who is she?

Helen Keller

Try to guess He is a man. He is not Chinese. One day when he was reading a book under an apple tree on the farm, an apple fell down and hit him on the head. Who is he?

Isaac Newton

university [ju?n?'v??s?t?]大学 the deaf:people who cannot hear the blind: people who cannot see

Try to introduce the two famous people with the sentence patterns below.

He/She is ....(nationality)

He/She is a/an....(job)

He/She is famous for...(achievement)

The first article: Helen Keller A woman Hero

The second article:

Isaac Newton

An Apple Fell Down From the Tree

Part C:Write about your favourite famous people. Who is your favourite famous people? When was she/he born? Where was she/he from? Why is he/she famous?

Can you imagine? You can’t see. You can’t hear. You can’t speak. And how will your life be? Compared with Helen Keller,we are so lucky. So we should treasure everything we have.

From Helen Keller,we should be a a helpful person;from Isaac Newton, we should do more thinking;from all the famous people,we know we should study hard to make our life more convenient, more comfortable and more happy.
