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师梦圆小学英语教材同步陕旅版三年级起点五年级上册Part A下载详情
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side side beside, beside the tree.

hind hind behind, behind the door.

tween tween between, between the trees.

near near near, near the door .

B: It's between the

bookstore and the park.

A: Where is the school?

1.What does the man want to buy?

2.How can he get to the supermarket?

1.What does the man want to buy?

2.How can the man get to the supermarket?

Go along the street and he can see a hospital

on the left. The supermarket is behind it.

He wants to buy some fruits.

A: Excuse me.

B: Yes? Can I help you?

A: Can you tell me the way

to the ___________?

I want ____________.

B: Go along ______________,

It’s on the ____, you can see it.

A: Excuse me.

B: Yes? Can I help you?

A: Can you tell me the way

to the bookstore?

I want to buy a book.

B: Go along the Jiahua Street,

It’s on the left, you can see it.

A: Excuse me.

B: Yes? Can I help you?